Q & A

We are sure you will be wondering if Hire Freelancer Pro is the right place for you. You probably have a few questions and we hope we have some answers for you.


If you can’t find the answer to your question here please use our contact form to ask us anything and we will respond quickly or just drop an email to our Support Team

A. Yes, you can submit proposals without cost.  We recommend you only submit proposals for jobs you know you can do and can complete the work within the time frame if one is given.

A. We require verification to ensure the details you have provided are accurate. Your profile will have a green verification tick and clients will know you have provided the required data. Clients are advised not to engage no-verified Freelancers so if you do not verify your identity your proposals are unlikely to be ignored and you will not have inquiries for your services.

Once we have verified your identity against any documents you have submitted we delete these so they are no longer held on our servers. 

A. Correct.  Whatever amount has been agreed between you as a freelancer and the client will be paid in full according to the terms. That may be hourly, weekly, when a project is completed, or reaching a milestone.

A. As stated above Hire Freelancer Pro offers free job proposals and no fees from a freelancer’s earnings but we do need to charge some costs in order to operate the platform.

A. Yes. Basic plans offer the opportunity to advertise 2 Services. Freelancer Plan Plus allows unlimited services but we recommend you limit your adverts to those you are best qualified.  Advertising a lot of different services may create the impression of being a “jack of all trades, and master of none”.

Yes. On your Dashboard there is the option to be sent details of any new job postings that match your skills

Yes. Click the Find A Job search option on the home page menu and sign up.  There is the option to be sent details of any new job postings that match your skills to your email with various options.

A. The Wallet Payment System is a means of providing a payment guarantee to both Freelancers and Clients.  When a freelancer and client agree terms, before the contract is finalized the client is required to deposit the agreed cost into a Wallet to be credited to the Freelancer’s Wallet.  This confirms to the Freelancer that the client has paid for the work to be undertaken.  However, the Freelancer cannot withdraw the payment until the client confirms the conditions of the contract have been fulfilled.  At that point, the Freelancer has access to the funds for withdrawal. If the work is not completed satisfactorily and an agreement between the client and freelancer is not possible Hire Freelancer Pro’s dispute system will determine the outcome and either release the funds to the freelancer or return them to the client.

No. Unlike the minimum project fees that a client is required to offer, as a Freelancer you can set whatever price you wish to charge. However, we recommend that you price your service realistically and also use to option to include the words “Prices From” to allow flexibility.

A. Once you have earned at least $50 you can request payment. At the moment we can only pay via PayPal so you need to have a PayPal account.  We will be able to offer alternative options in the near future so if a PayPal account is not an option for you please let us know by using our contact form and we will let you know when other payment options are operative.

If there are items specific to you which are not currently available please contact Support The omitted item(s) will be added and you will be notified