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Freelancers from around the globe, looking for work and offering to provide outstanding services.
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Hire Freelancer Pro offers a means by which Clients seeking assistance with IT, IA, and Web projects can easily and cost-effectively connect with highly qualified Freelancers and Remote Workers.

Mission Statements

Mission Statements

A Fair Deal For Freelancers

We have been examining Freelancer Platforms for quite a long while and have reached the conclusion that most, if not all, of the businesses involved, see Freelancers as nothing more than a means to make a profit.

Increasingly we have noted costs for Freelancers being increased for no justifiable reason and have seen these defended, or defined as acceptable marketing costs that Freelancers should expect to pay. We do not agree as it seems to us to be nothing more than a desire to profit at Freelancer’s expense.

Freelancers are expected to “pay” to apply for jobs with no guarantee their proposal will even be viewed and on at least one platform they are “encouraged” to increase their bid price to get to the top of the list of proposals sent to clients. 

There is no other type of “worker” “employee” or “contractor” who is expected to pay to apply for a job and then pay a percentage of their earnings back to the organization that enabled them to obtain work. Think of Recruitment Agencies or Temp Agencies as examples.  Who pays them? The employer seeking staff or workers. We believe that Freelancers should enjoy the same benefits and opportunities as any other individual looking for work.

A Fair Deal For Clients

Clients are the source of jobs and they need to know what they will be paying for the task they need undertaken.  We offer a clear and unambiguous fee scale that enables clients to know exactly what they will be paying and how much the Freelancer they contract will receive when the work is done. They will also have the opportunity to review all the proposals submitted on an equal basis.  Unlike certain Freelancer Platforms that boost some proposals to the top based on how much the Freelance is prepared to pay!

Clients have nothing to pay until they agree a contract with a Freelancer unless they want to have their job Featured to highlight it.

Clients are also guaranteed that their payment will not be released to the Freelancer until the task has been completed to their satisfaction or the hours contracted have been worked. 

Mission Statement

There is also a dispute facility if a problem arises that cannot be settled amicably between the parties. 

We provide Chat and Zoom meeting options to enable both Clients and Freelancers ample opportunity to discuss the work and fee prior to a contract being formalized. This enables clarity and openness for both parties.

A Fair Deal For Us

Hire Freelancer Pro is not a charity so yes we need to earn an income from this platform.

However, where we differ from our competitors is in our business format and ethics.  We are not a public company with an expensive Board of Directors or shareholders demanding dividends. We do not employ hundreds of staff who all need to be paid and obtain other staff benefits paid for by Freelancers.

One of our competitors employs some 850 staff and has 5 Directors with salaries ranging from $173K to $237K per annum.  And, of course, shareholders looking to receive dividend income on their shares.  That’s why Freelancers are forced to pay increasing unfair costs to cover these expenses!

We operate in a niche market, only offering Freelance and Remote work and tasks to people in the IT market.  That is primarily website and code-related areas including Web3 and AI. 

We believe our success depends on the quality of the Freelancers who join us so we look to verify every Freelancer.  Look for the “Green” checkmark displayed on verified accounts.  We also monitor reviews provided by Clients and Freelancers.  Consistently poor reviews are likely to result in accounts being suspended or Freelancer Accounts canceled.

We review job postings to ensure they are real and worth the Freelancer’s time applying for.  However, as there is no cost to apply there is no loss if a proposal is not accepted or the project is awarded on another platform.